Additional books received at UB (P5)

The School of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences – University of Belgrade team members received the second round of information security books procured as part of the Information Security Services Education in Serbia (ISSES) Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education project. These books will be used to support sustainability…

UNS (P1), VTŠ (P9) and SCC videos published

The University of Novi Sad (UNS, P1) and Subotica Tech College of Applied Sciences filmed short promotional videos about the project results and published them in the project’s Youtube channel. Additionally, a short promotional video was filmed and published about the success story of the Serbian Cybersecurity Challenge hackathon for students, which was a key…

SCC2020 and SCC2021 award ceremony at ETF

Since the ongoing pandemic forced SCC events to be online only we had to wait with the award ceremony until the conditions improve. We are grateful to our award winners for their patience. At the School of Electrical Engineering – University of Belgrade diplomas and certificates were awarded to SCC2020 and SCC2021 competitors from this…

Third Generation of Students at the UB-ETF

At the School of Electrical Engineering – University of Belgrade, the Secure Software Development course (2.2) and the Advanced Network and System Security course (2.6) enrolled third generation of students in the autumn semester of the 2021/2022 school year. The number of students who elected the courses are 125 and 109, respectively.

Purdue University and CERIAS meeting

Imre Lendak visited the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) at Purdue University and discussed possible education and research collaboration with professor Eugene Spafford, a foremost expert on cybersecurity, advisor to USA presidents and author of the landmark “Practical UNIX & Internet Security” book. The professors discussed possible master-level collaboration…